Our Projects

LMT, Trail Keepers Program

The LMTA has helped with the creation and development of services within the value chain along the trail

Lebanon Mountain Trail LMT sustain Lebanon fundraise platform Beirut Hike guesthouse
Eco-hub Community Kitchen: Nourishing Lebanon's Displaced

Create a community kitchen in Lebanon to provide daily meals, offering essential food security and support for displaced families affected by the war

A7la fawda Ahla NGO Hamra Beirut Lebanon
Mentoring young professionals   project development   project implementation  community center's NGO Beirut Sustain Lebanon Online donation
LMT, Accessible Nature Program

We believe that people of all abilities should have access to the beauty of Lebanon’s mountains, trails, and great outdoors

Lebanon Mountain Trail LMT sustain Lebanon fundraise platform Beirut Hike guesthouse
TerraPods - Creative Ecology Guild

The land offers creators with access to rural safe space in communion with nature, in Baskinta, Lebanon

Recycle Lebanon, Regenerate Hub, EcoSouk, TerraPods, BalaPlastic
Collective Shelters for displaced people in Lebanon

Our initiative focuses on developing safe and decent collective shelters. It provides temporary support to vulnerable families during times of crisis

Mentoring young professionals   project development   project implementation  community center's NGO Beirut Sustain Lebanon Online donation
Community-Based Design Program

D4C’s Mentoring Program is offered to young professionals interested in developing their knowledge, skills, and hands-on competencies

Mentoring young professionals   project development   project implementation  community center's NGO Beirut Sustain Lebanon Online donation

Trusted NGOs

IamBarbara BarbaraNassarAssociation Cancer CancerPatientsInLebanon NGO Beirut Lebanon fundraise sustainlebanon platform
Barbara Nassar Association for Cancer Patient

BNA is a community of volunteers dedicated to helping adult cancer patients, their families, providing resources, emotional, financial, social & spiritual needs

intellectual disabilities donation online lebanon beirut

"House for all generations" through a loving, nurturing, stimulation environment & comprehensive programs, fostering their development, skills & well being

Recycle Lebanon, Regenerate Hub, EcoSouk, TerraPods, BalaPlastic
Recycle Lebanon

Re-Psyc’ling Linear Mindset Towards Circular Action

sustain lebanon donation platform beirut lebanon ngo tri pulley

Creating jobs for a social cause in a dignifying multiplying impactful way rather than relying on charity!

save Heritage Restoration old Lebanese house History Community cultural Empowerment
From Leb With Love

Our purpose: revive Lebanon's legacy through creations echoing its tales and restoring heritage houses, empowering communities, and sharing the beauty worldwide

Association for Community and Environment - ACE NGO Beirut Lebanon Sustain Lebanon
Association for Community and Environment - ACE

ACE is a non-political NGO, established in 2014 under registration # 2109, focusing on the protecting cultural and natural heritage


About us


Sustain Lebanon stems from the initiative of Banque BEMO’s Chairman, Mr. Riad Obegi, Mr. Farid Meshaka Executive Director &  Head of the  Institutions Business Development Unit, and Mr. Joseph Abikhalil, CEO of Yellow Pages & Digital Strategies.    All of us are doing the utmost to work as professionals targeting excellence while showing empathy towards Causes and Individuals.