A Social Circus uses art as a medium for self-improvement, social skills, and well-being of vulnerable and marginalized people
The ECP is an innovative hands-on environmental education programs (5 days each) offered to small groups of selected kids from public & private schools
The LMTA has helped with the creation and development of services within the value chain along the trail
Our initiative focuses on developing safe and decent collective shelters. It provides temporary support to vulnerable families during times of crisis
Create a community kitchen in Lebanon to provide daily meals, offering essential food security and support for displaced families affected by the war
Mishwar Bi Baladi is a project that restores hope & empowers students through immersive experiences in the nature and heritage of Lebanon.
Feeding, Educating and Empowering destitute Lebanese families since 2002 to break the vicious cycle of poverty and help them reach financial and social autonomy
DONATE NOWCOCOON focuses on children well-being. It offers dedicated workshops, develops networks of educators, creates jobs for talents thus sustaining local dynamics
DONATE NOWMove families in need from poverty and despair to self-sufficiency and hope through relief, development, and spiritual uplift
DONATE NOWAFEL is dedicated to promoting child protection; strives to support children facing various forms of abuse, delinquency, and learning difficulties
DONATE NOWThe LMT is the first long-distance hiking trail in Lebanon. Over 470 km in length, the trail connects communities together & crosses 76 villages and towns.
DONATE NOWCreating jobs for a social cause in a dignifying multiplying impactful way rather than relying on charity!
DONATE NOWSustain Lebanon stems from the initiative of Banque BEMO’s Chairman, Mr. Riad Obegi, Mr. Farid Meshaka Executive Director & Head of the Institutions Business Development Unit, and Mr. Joseph Abikhalil, CEO of Yellow Pages & Digital Strategies. All of us are doing the utmost to work as professionals targeting excellence while showing empathy towards Causes and Individuals.