In 2020, amid the unprecedented crises facing their dear Lebanon, a group of Zahléotes initiated a school aid program in their hometown to support saving the education sector. This local initiative soon gained trust and interest, thus spreading to all peripheral areas
Sustain the mission of specific semi-private and private schools in Zahlé and the peripheral areas of Lebanon, and expand civic skills, thus securing the “quality education for all” that Lebanese people aspire for and restoring the Lebanon we want
Supporting Access to Quality Education in Rural Lebanon
In 2023-2024, 6,450 students supported at 65 schools in 6 governorates
Greening Schools
In 2022, energy efficiency and renewables supported at 4 schools
In 2024, lab refurbishment at 1 school
CASZ School Aid Program
Aims at securing part of the tuition fees for vulnerable students based on a rigorous, transparent and digitized 3-step process
CASZ Eco Program
Introduced in 2022, with the aim of “greening” schools by co-financing energy saving and modernizing laboratories
CASZ Civic Skills Program
Introduced in 2024 with the objective of developing civic skills at the schools supported by CASZ, through student awards, training programs for administrators and teachers, pilot community service activities, and others