
AFEL was established in 1976

Sin-El-Fil in 1979 a safe space to welcome children at risk after school hours

Bourj-Hammoud in 1988 a place to support students who were facing learning disabilities & living in challenging social conditions


We are committed to offering comprehensive support that encompasses educational enrichment, vocational training, empowering children to develop protective mechanisms, gain independence, build resilience, acquire essential educational & vocational competencies

AFEL has supported over 5,000 children Since its establishment in 1976

Enabling entire generations to become self-reliant and responsible adults

Children, actually confront many problems on a daily basis

- 95% of children live in an environment of abuse

- 30% are lacking proper care and food

- 55% are facing serious academic difficulties


Safe space for children at risk of abuse

- Referrals and Networking

- Educational Support

- Recreational and Creative Activities

- Life Skills Training

- Emotional and Psychological Support

- Case management

The School Remedial 


- Children facing learning disabilities

- Adapted Educational System to accommodate the learning styles and needs of each student

- Speech Therapy

- Psychomotor and Psychological Support to help develop motor skills and coordination

Involving parents in the process

- Parent Education and Workshops focusing on promoting positive parenting techniques, building healthy relationships, & enhancing communication within the family

- Parent Support Groups

- Home-Based Strategies: We work closely with parents to develop practical strategies that can be implemented at home to support their children's social development and protection

- Individual Counselling and Guidance

- Referrals and Networking: We assist parents in accessing additional resources and services that may be beneficial for their children's well-being and protection

Involved Projects